Buffalo Run is a 14-acre commercial redevelopment in Commerce City, which includes a 14,000 SF pharmacy, 21,000 SF strip mall, 5000 SF restaurant, 3600 SF nursery, 4700 SF QSR, 4000 SF bank, and 8000 SF daycare. The project sits at the prominent intersection of 120th and Chambers Road, making it an ideal location for commercial development. The site offers a total of 550+ parking spaces.
Calibre provided the Civil Engineering for the site, including overlot grading, design infrastructure, and water quality. Grading included detailed grading for multi-tenant retail buildings and parking. Correspondence was required between the adjacent developments taking place on the public roadways. Calibre worked with the City of Commerce City, Buffalo Run Metro District, and other subconsultants to ensure project success.
Project specifics included the following:
- 14-acres
- One water quality pond
- 120th Ave accel/decel lane
- 6 exhibits
- 4 legal descriptions
- Utilities: electric, gas, telephone, cable tv
- One pre-bid meeting
- One pre-construction meeting
- Once a week construction observation
Buffalo Run Village Center, Commerce City, CO
Services Project Type • Water
• Storm
• Sanitary Sewer
• Roads. Parking, Drives
• Grading & Earthwork• Commercial & Retail