This important Aurora asset was experiencing major flooding and environmental concerns, and the City on-boarded Calibre to provided solutions.
To address onsite flooding and conveyance concerns, Calibre studied the watershed and directional drainage for both the Griswold Water Treatment Plant and the South Satellite Maintenance Facility, resolving sediment issues (6000 SY of erosion control matting), abandoning a corrugated metal pipe (CMP) and replacing it with new storm sewer, evaluating stormwater quality, evaluating and resolving runoff from the vehicle storage and salt storage onsite (2000 FT of diversion swales), and resolving elements that are disruptive to operations.
Both of the sites were impacted by lack of vegetation, a prairie dog colony, steep slopes, lack of irrigation, and a lack of upstream stormwater conveyance. 5-acres of restoration resolved hydrologic and erosion transport issues, including direct stream restoration onsite. Stormwater conveyance was erratic and channeling and point discharges were occurring within unarmored sections, thus facilitating erosion and sediment transport.
The on-call task order included a drainage study, preliminary engineering design, and infrastructure planning for both the Griswold Water Treatment Plant and the South Satellite Maintenance Facility. Services included pipeline removals, detention planning, H&H analysis, interagency coordination, and modeling. 1300 FT of security fencing.
Griswold Water Treatment Plant and South Satellite Stormwater Conveyance, Aurora
Services Project Type Storm
Grading & Earthwork
Low Impact Design (LID)
Cost Estimation & Construction Services
Public Sector
Healthcare & Industrial
IDIQ or On-Call