As a part of an overall 368-acre development, this project included site planning for a K-8 Boulder County School. The site is ideally positioned between residences and mountainous plains, including a thousand single-family, multi-family, and town home residences, a firehouse, and parks, trails, and open space.
Overall project specifics included the following:
- 368-acres
- 8-12” waterline
- 8-12” sanitary sewer lines
- 18-60” storm sewer lines
- 3’ x 10’ box culverts
- 6’ x 10’ box culverts
- 9500 LF roadway
- 3700 LF roadway widening
- 5200 LF drainage channel
- 4700 LF sanitary
- 3100 LF storm sewer
- 9800 LF water
- 24” welded steel water transmission line
- 4700 LF sanitary
- 3100 LF storm sewer
- 9800 LF water
- 24” welded steel water transmission line
Meadowlark K-8 Boulder County School, Erie, CO
Services Project Type • Park & Trail Design
• Water
• Master/Site Planning
• Storm
• Sanitary Sewer
• Roads. Parking, Drives
• Grading & Earthwork
• Low Impact Design (LID)
• Park & Trail Design• Schools & Training
• Park, Trails, & Open