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Calibre worked with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) on these three $72M BEQs at New River (266,412 SF). The multiple task orders consisted of five two-story bachelor housing buildings with 423 sleeping rooms (double-occupancy) to accommodate 1054 Marines. The site contains parking, concrete sidewalks, equipment wash-down and drying areas, volleyball, basketball, and tennis courts, and a picnic shelter. 


The site improvements included grading, storm drainage, erosion control, water (6” fire service and 8-10” water line - 3800 LF potable), fire hydrants, sewer (8” main and 4” services), parking lots, fire access, a new PNG gas line, detention/water quality ponds, and future roadway modifications.  The site, parking lots (739 spaces), and drive aisles were constrained by standoff requirements (AT/FP Compliance).  Calibre designed the alignment and grading to maximize the length of stormwater runoff routes before entering storm drain system.


Additionally, Calibre provided layout, grading, and sediment and erosion control for 4,400 LF of new pedestrian trails. The trails were designed to maximize the length of stormwater runoff routes to promote infiltration.

LEED Gold BEQs (P632, 634, 636), Maintenance, Recreation, MCAS New River, NC

  • Services Project Type

    •    Water
    •    Master/Site Planning
    •    Storm
    •    Sanitary Sewer
    •    Roads, Parking, Drives
    •    Grading & Earthwork
    •    Low Impact Design (LID)
    •    Costing & Construction


    •    Military & Federal
    •    Residential
    •    Design/Build




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