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This project consists of drainage analysis, split-flow analysis, and stormwater master planning for the “Original Aurora” area of Aurora, located South of E 26th Avenue, East of the City boundary, North of Colfax, and West of Peoria.


For the City of Aurora, Calibre is evaluating storm drainage detention and water quality requirements within the area, identifying projects to alleviate stormwater shortcomings and flooding in the Area, and providing H&H and split-flow modeling within the watershed.


In association with this project, Calibre is providing a conceptual level study of three redevelopment areas (Montview & Clinton Redevelopment Area; Colfax Redevelopment Area, and Peoria Redevelopment Area). The goal of the analysis will determine ways in which the City can alleviate flooding, encourage Low Impact Development, and encourage redevelopment of the original downtown area, which is zoned for high density redevelopment.


The drainage design and analysis includes a full H&H analysis of the area and individualized split-flow analysis of 30+ intersections to quantify the impact of anticipated redevelopment on the existing stormwater system. The process will also yield Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) that the City can prioritize in their master stormwater program to help alleviate existing flooding, water quality problems, and operational issues, as well as to identify infrastructure expansion needs. Affected basins and regions include Easterly Creek, Westerly, Creek, Sank Creek, Stapleton, and Stanley Marketplace.


From a parks, open space, and recreation perspective, the Calibre Team (with Stream Design) provide sketch concepts for recreational parks and trail systems in flooded areas of Original Aurora, which would function as dual use facilities. This included a concept on Westerly Creek from 13th to Colfax; a concept on Westerly Creek from Colfax to 17th; a concept on Westerly Creek from 17th to Montview (including Montview Park); and an expansion concept at Del Mar and City Park.


Finally, this drainage master plan will provide a Phase 1 Low Impact Development (LID) Guideline Manual for use in the subject redevelopment area and potentially for wider use within other redeveloping areas of the City.

Original Aurora Stormwater Master Plan & LID Guidelines, Aurora, CO

  • Services Project Type


    Grading & Earthwork

    Low Impact Design (LID)

    Master & Site Planning

    Cost Estimation & Construction Services


    Public Sector

    IDIQ or On-Call


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