This 800-acre, multi-use project included commercial parcels, office parcels, parks, a fire station, a school, several ponds, and both single-family residential and multi-family residential parcels.
Infrastructure improvements needed to serve this large development were extensive and enigmatic but were addressed and solved by the Calibre team. In addition to typical land development infrastructure, such as local streets, water distribution lines, sanitary sewer laterals, and storm sewer, the site is served by a raw water delivery system, several collector roadways, a principal arterial roadway, several major arterials, multiple roundabouts, two connections to State Highways, a large sanitary sewer outfall, and a lengthy offsite storm drain connection.
This project was awarded a Design Award for Municipal and Streets Intersection project by the American Concrete Pavement Association.
Promontory Residential, Office Complex, and Roadway, Greeley, CO
Services Project Type • Park & Trail Design
• Water
• Master/Site Planning
• Storm
• Sanitary Sewer
• Roads, Parking, Drives
• Grading & Earthwork• Commercial & Retail
• Infrastructure
• Residential
• District
• Industrial
• Parks, Trails, Open Space