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The objective of this Seismic Project Book was to serve as a collection of government-furnished information and pre-design information that would result in reliable project requirement definitions and become the foundation of all subsequent design efforts. 


Calibre provided seismic upgrade recommendations for Building 8 (Boiler Plant, including 329 parking spaces), Building 10 (Community Living Center, 60 beds) relocation, Building 1D (hospital, 22,300 SF renovation, 122,000 SF interior demo), and Building 12.  


Calibre confirmed and validated project scope and defined the projects, including cataloging and refining a needs analysis for all seismically deficient structures and establish a Space and Equipment Planning System (SEPS) Program.  


Scope included assessment of physical infrastructure, documentation of existing conditions and building information, examination of existing Facility Conditions Assessments, performance of code analysis, documentation of site issues and observations, topographic survey, boundary survey, ADA barrier survey and compliance report, utility study, and risk assessment.  

Seismic Project Book for Boiler Plant, CLC, Hospital, and Others, Reno VAMC, NV

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